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Zoey Digital Notan Formative template


Last week we did Digital Notan Art its you need to make a google drawing and then you get a big black square and then make a tiny shape. it can be any shape you want but you need to make it black but  the outside of the square and then that shape you piked you need to ctrl c and ctrl v when you get 2 shape flip it over and then you make it white.

We learnt about copyright which is owners of work you find online.

Have you made Notan Art before?

The Great NZ Road Trip

In literacy we have been doing The Great NZ Road Trip. We complete tasks to show understanding of what we have read. 


I read an article about Tomtits (Komiromiro) from Dunedin. I then made a bird sanctuary out of Lego.


I found it tricky making it by myself, I didn’t have a lots of pieces and it was hard to get it balanced. It was had making a bird by myself. I enjoyed making detail.


Have you use Lego to show understanding of a text this year?

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